Jump-Start Your Career Today

Jan 1, 2022

Apartment communities don’t run themselves. To keep everything working smoothly, it takes a team of talented, creative and passionate individuals. The team works to recruit new residents, take care of their needs, ensure that everything in their homes works properly and make the community a welcoming place—all while staying on track financially.

That’s where residential property management (RPM) professionals come in. Across the United States, millions of RPM professionals work to make apartment communities successful. And thousands of new workers are hired each month.

The demand for apartments—and for the jobs to support those communities—is growing rapidly. Explore these links for some information, resources and tools to get started in an exciting and rewarding RPM career:


Jump-Start Your Career Today

The demand for rental housing is growing and so is the need for talented, hardworking and creative people to help build strong communities. Jump-start your residential property management career today with RPM Careers.

Discussion Questions

  • 1
    What is your favorite thing about your RPM career?
  • 2
    What would you like to learn about RPM careers?
  • 3
    What’s your favorite experience from working in a community?
  • 4
    Which career path are you most interested in?

Classroom Connection

Career CLuster:

Hospitality and Tourism

Instructional Area(s):

Performance Indicators:

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