Pioneering Leadership: Ava Stacker's Trailblazing Role as GA DECA's VP of Marketing

Jul 5, 2024

Contributed by Taylor Hall | Westlake DECA, GA

Ava Stacker, a remarkable trailblazer from South Fulton, has made history by becoming the first student of South Fulton DECA to hold the esteemed position of Vice President of Marketing on Georgia DECA's Executive Officer Team for the 2024-2025 term. This remarkable achievement highlights Ava’s outstanding leadership skills and sets an inspiring example for aspiring young leaders across the state.

In her new role, Ava will shape Georgia DECA's marketing strategies, fostering innovation and empowering students to unleash their full potential. She will serve as a guiding light, inspiring her peers to embrace the power of marketing as a tool to drive success and create meaningful impact. Ava's appointment is a personal triumph and a significant milestone for South Fulton and the entire Georgia DECA community. This groundbreaking achievement is a powerful reminder that barriers can be shattered and dreams can become reality with perseverance and determination.

When asked about her appointment, Ava shared her excitement, saying:

"I ran for VP because I want to inspire others. I want to encourage everyone to go after their dreams, whether it is or isn’t in DECA. The running process was a great experience because you go through real-world situations. I ran twice these past two years but needed more practice when it came down to certain things. I learned a lot about myself during the process as well. I was introduced to DECA and marketing/business as a whole around my 8th-grade year, and now, thinking back, I genuinely would not have been the person I am today without DECA and that marketing class. I’m happy to be on this amazing team and cannot wait for the upcoming year!"

Ava's appointment resonates with the values and mission of DECA, as it encourages students to develop essential business and leadership skills while fostering a sense of entrepreneurship and innovation. Her dedication to this cause is a testament to DECA’s transformative impact on young minds, preparing them to excel in the dynamic world of business. As Ava assumes her role as VP of Marketing, she reminds us of the immense potential within each of us. Her journey inspires all aspiring leaders to embrace their unique talents, take bold steps, and create a positive change in their communities.

As we celebrate Ava's success, let us reflect on our journeys and strive to make a lasting impact in our chosen paths. Congratulations, Ava, on your groundbreaking appointment as Georgia DECA's Vice President of Marketing. May your tenure be filled with memorable achievements, transformative experiences and the realization of your greatest aspirations.


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