Recruitment Tips From a Human Resources Perspective

Aug 7, 2024

Contributed by Ursula Rose | Waukesha County Technical College, WI

The 2024-2025 school year is quickly approaching, which means Collegiate DECA members should begin preparing recruitment strategies to help their chapters grow. The following tips are from a Human Resources perspective. Consider these points when communicating with potential Collegiate DECA members.

What Is Collegiate DECA?

Before joining an organization, people want to know about the organization's purpose and specific functions. Students may not understand what Collegiate DECA is or what it stands for. Make sure you are knowledgeable of the club’s goals and activities. Be prepared to explain briefly what Collegiate DECA does.

Flexible Participation

Participating in a club may be difficult for those with busy lives. If your potential member is concerned about not having enough time for Collegiate DECA, mention that they can participate whenever they are available and still be a member. Most events have specific dates, which makes it easier for members to plan their schedules ahead of time.

Public Speaking

When explaining how a Collegiate DECA competition works, potential members may feel uncomfortable with the presentation factor. Potential members should know they would only present for 1-3 people across a table. Also, this concern may allow you to highlight the benefits of presenting. Collegiate DECA presentations help members develop the skills they need for their careers.

What's in It for Me?

Before getting involved in an organization, people wonder how it will benefit them directly. Learn more about the potential recruit by asking about their goals, graduation timeline or current job position. If someone is not currently working in their desired field, then Collegiate DECA can help them gain experience and prepare for a future position! Once you learn more about the students, you will better understand how Collegiate DECA can help them.

Additionally, you can focus on the skills that you know the student has already acquired. For example, you could recommend Collegiate DECA to classmates who provide creative ideas, excellent presentations or other abilities that can be beneficial in competitions. Potential members will want to know they can grow and succeed in Collegiate DECA.

These considerations from a Human Resources perspective should help you recruit potential members. Be sure that your recruitment tactics are natural and respect the student’s desires. Good luck growing your chapters and helping others "Be The One!"


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