So You're Thinking About Running for Association Office?

Nov 10, 2021

Ask any association officer and I’m sure they’ll tell you that running for a DECA Association Officer position is one of the best decisions they have ever made! As an Association Officer, you get to work closely with fellow leaders to plan the most extravagant, life-changing conferences for members from all corners of your state, province or territory. In doing so, you get to meet and network with hundreds or thousands of inspiring, like-minded peers.

If you’re thinking about running for association office, ask yourself these three questions to help you decide.

1. Are you passionate about DECA?

In answering this question, reflect on DECA’s guiding principles and mission. Do you embody those values? Do you believe in the mission of DECA? Take some time to learn about DECA, its history, its development and the impact it has had on millions of students.

2. What ideas do you have to enhance your association?

When running for office, it’s vital that you have a concrete, specific plan. Brainstorm ideas to solve your association’s most pressing problems, or dive deeper into the nuances of your association to find aspects that you hope to improve. Are you looking to increase membership? Do you wish to start new chapters? Think big and create S.M.A.R.T. goals!

3. What skills can you bring to the association officer team?

It’s important that you reflect on your strengths as a leader. Think about what specific skills will allow you to grow as a leader during your time in office. Are you someone that likes to take initiative? Are you someone who enjoys being creative and thinking outside of the box? Assess your skills and find which association officer position is the best fit for you.

Most importantly, have fun throughout the process. No matter the outcome, if you have a positive mindset going into your campaign, you will have a blast. While campaigning, you will have the opportunity to meet hundreds of students. You will grow as a public speaker by having to give speeches and sharing your vision for DECA with voting delegates.

Each DECA association has unique positions, requirements and application timelines, so be sure to reach out to your current association officers or Chartered Association Advisor for more information.


Sriya Koganti
Central Region Vice President 2021-2022

Sriya Koganti served as DECA's Central Region Vice President during the 2021-2022 school year.

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