So, You’re Thinking of Running for Executive Office

Jan 11, 2023

Have you thought about running for Executive Office? In this role, you can network, collaborate and lead with members of DECA from around the world! Running for a position on the Executive Officer Team is not an easy task, but it is more than rewarding. From countless hours of preparation, caucusing with voting delegates and showing your dedication to the organization, the hard work prepares you for a year of service as an officer. 

You may be wondering: what do Executive Officers do? The primary goal of the Executive Officer Team is quite simple: To serve all members of DECA. However, the execution of this goal is more complex than one may think. From leading monthly programs to advocating for DECA on a chapter, association and global level, there are many ways that this goal is accomplished year after year. 

As an Executive Officer, you host the One DECA Call Series, the Association President’s Council Call Series and your respective Regional Call Series. These calls help build relationships with officers, advisors and members that will last a lifetime! Over the term, you will have the opportunity to discuss various topics, such as advocacy, recruitment, engagement and competition. The Call Series allows you to present these topics in a way that will engage and excite members!

Executive Officers also attend regional and association conferences to motivate members, present workshops and build connections with officers and members. Upon invitation to a conference, you will work closely with association officers and advisors to find ways to utilize your time and talents at their conference. You’ll most likely help with a variety of tasks at each conference. Some tasks may include facilitating workshops, hosting a keynote or handing out award medals at the closing session. 

While there are various benefits to being an Executive Officer, many will talk about the impact of serving and seeing the positive impact that they have had on members worldwide. If you’re looking for a way to make an impact worldwide, consider running for Executive Office! You can find more information here.


Ross Motter
Central Region Vice President 2022-2023

Ross Motter served as DECA's Central Region Vice President during the 2022-2023 school year..

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