How do you choose to spend your drive to work or school every day? Dreading the day ahead... wishing for Friday to come sooner... or even fretting because you left home five minutes later than you should have? Or maybe you're looking for something other than Netflix to occupy your time while social distancing at home?
Consider tuning in to a podcast!
Podcasts are a convenient way to learn more about becoming a better person and leader, as well as equip yourself with tangible ways to accomplish these things for yourself. There is something so incredible about intentionally taking the time to empower and inspire yourself.
Continue reading to discover three new podcasts to add to your collection that are guaranteed to provide insight on life, leadership and everything in between!

1. The Student Leadership Podcast with Scott Mathie
This energetic podcast consists of 15 to 20-minute episodes of tactics and tools that will help you learn what it means to “nix your limits.” Mathie’s podcast features many student leaders who have proven themselves successful in their academic careers and everyday life. The series even includes the stories of two DECA 2019-2020 Executive Officers. This is one of my personal favorites and tends to be my go-to podcast when seeking motivation and accountability for my leadership journey.
Click here to listen on Spotify.

2. The Mindset Mentor with Rob Dial
This podcast focuses on self-improvement in practically every aspect of life. The Mindset Mentor covers a diverse range of topics that are relevant to obtaining personal and professional growth. From tangible tips on combatting procrastination to lessons on rewiring your anxious brain, every listener is bound to find something that will positively impact them.
Click here to listen on Spotify.
Instagram: @robdialjr

3. The Teen Leader with Lucas Lunzmann
Lucas Lunzmann serves as Nebraska’s FBLA State President and as the host of The Teen Leader podcast. His episodes feature not only interviews with some of the most influential leadership minds of today, but also teens who are changing the world around us. I have found this podcast to be very impactful and would strongly advise any teen leader to give this a listen. It provides listeners with resources, opportunities and encouragement to make their dreams a reality.
Click here to listen on Spotify.
Instagram: @the.teen.leader
For me, the best time to listen to podcasts is in the morning while getting ready for the day, in my car while driving, or even as I fall asleep. It allows me to be more intentional about the things I care about and increase my influence with others. I challenge you to find some quiet moments in your life and fill them with a few of the gems from this article. These three podcasts are bound to help you grow to reach the #NextLevel of your leadership!
Let me know which podcasts you love most!