Three Strategies for Enhancing Communication in Leadership Teams

Jul 1, 2024

As we unite our leadership teams to create a plan for the academic semester or year, it is important to keep in mind the team's dynamic. The important goals that you and your team have lined up can’t be accomplished without successful communication, and it is vital to establish clear expectations early on.

Firstly, it is vital that clear communication channels and standards be set. In this step, it is important to discuss with your fellow officers consistent scheduling conflicts- are you on a sports team, another leadership team, or in a class that fills your schedule on a consistent day and time each week? Keeping these things in mind will not only allow for more understanding between fellow members of your team but also open the door for more efficient scheduling. Another important consideration is what mediums you and your team members will respond to most. This could range from email and text messaging to phone calls. When urgent matters come up, this will help you get more consistent responses and follow up on tasks. Outlining considerations such as these makes the team more comfortable working together.              

Additionally, it is important to foster an environment that welcomes feedback and strives for continuous improvement. One way to accomplish this is by asking everyone's thoughts on the discussed ideas. Everyone has different perspectives, strengths, and weaknesses, and incorporating them as much as possible will allow your team to make decisions that align with the wishes of your chapter or association members. Another great suggestion is to encourage your fellow team members to utilize resources. This can include reaching out to advisors and alumni before implementing ideas to receive feedback and thoughts for improvement based on what has worked well (or even not worked well) in the past.

Lastly, be sure to establish more interpersonal relationships with your team members. One of the best ways to do this is by inviting the team to spend time together more informally and closely following elections. Not only does this serve as a celebration of your commitment to your chapter or association, but it also serves as an outlet to get to know each other outside DECA. This allows the team to feel more comfortable asking each other for advice or guidance and establishing individual rapport.

The Collegiate DECA officer team wishes you luck on your leadership journey this year. We are always available to answer any questions or provide any resources you may need.


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