What Does it Mean to BE THE ONE?

Jul 1, 2024

The official 2024-2025 theme revealed in March 2024 is BE THE ONE. But what’s the real message behind this phrase? How can this theme influence us to continue being emerging leaders in our community? Let us take a look at the different interpretations of how we can dissect this year’s theme:

Be the ONE to...Take Risks!

Many opportunities have been revealed to us. Whether big or small, we tend to be hesitant to step into territory that we are unfamiliar with. It’s important to step out of your comfort zone to grow and improve, even if mistakes arise. An example can be as simple as introducing a new idea to your DECA chapter. This can be an event or strategy that you haven’t done before. While most people would be hesitant to take that leap of faith, that risky choice could be your best decision. The only way you will find out is if you try.

Be the ONE to...Help Each Other Succeed!

A key aspect of a thriving community is one that assists each other along their journeys. As individuals, there is only so much we can accomplish alone. It’s another reminder to connect with members and students to establish that relationship and guide each other to success. An example of this can be as simple as showing a person how to tie a tie. You may not realize it, but small gestures like this can help someone a long way. Don’t lose the chance if you see an opportunity to help or share your knowledge with someone. It’s also the same to listen to what others say as you may learn something new from them.

Be the ONE to...Be Yourself!

As we learn from our experiences, it’s only natural that our growth will cause changes in our personality and character. While this can be good, that doesn’t mean you need to change everything about yourself. Staying genuine is important for people to understand the real you. Many of us tend to be scared to share aspects of our character, worrying that it will embarrass us publicly. But embracing what makes you stand out from the crowd shows you are following your path and not simply someone else’s.

As you can see, there are multiple ways to dissect this year’s DECA theme. Think about what it means to #BeTheOne and share your thoughts on social media.


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