D’Andre Vasquez served as the DECA High School Division President during the 2019-2020 school year.
Articles from
D'Andre Vasquez

Work Out the Stress
Today’s teens pack a lot into their busy schedules, which has caused stress levels and anxiety to increase in recent years. D’Andre Vasquez, DECA’s 2019-2020 High School Division President, discusses how he handles the stress in his life and how you can too!

2019-2020 IMPACT Program Winners Announced
The 2019-2020 IMPACT Program awards were announced on April's #OneDECA call!

Tell Your DECA Story in 4 Easy Steps
The next opportunity to advocate for DECA is here as February is Career and Technical Education Month®! During this month we will raise awareness and celebrate the value of Career Technical Education (CTE) and the accomplishments of DECA members around the globe!

Fundraise Your Way to ICDC
Fundraising often gets a bad reputation for being too hard or not producing the desired outcome. However, by following the six keys to fundraising, you will soon find yourself with money to fund your chapter’s trip to ICDC.

DECA Talks: Conquering Catastrophe
All students wish to find a place of belonging, hope and support. Learn how DECA became that place for our High School Division President, and how it continues to be that place for thousands around the globe!

Are You an Entrepreneur?
DECA’s mission statement is to prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management. So, what exactly does it mean to be an entrepreneur?