MBA Research and Curriculum Center is dedicated to supporting educators in the preparation of students for careers in the areas of business management, finance, marketing, hospitality management, and entrepreneurship. Established in 1971, we are a not-for-profit operated and governed by a consortium of state education departments.
Articles from
MBA Research & Curriculum Center

Teaching the Ethical Principle of Accountability
MBA Research’s ethical principles video on accountability takes a deep dive into accountability, giving students an understanding of what the principle means, its supporting traits, how it plays out in the real world, and how students can use it in their own lives.

The Gray Zone: Resources to Foster Ethical Decision-Making Skills
Welcome to The Gray Zone—that hazy, murky space between black and white, right and wrong. MBA Research offers multiple opportunities to help your students understand that the business world includes many shades of gray. Enhance your instruction using our classic case studies, interactive video series, or both!

Small Businesses and the Costs of Hyper-Personalization
What does hyper-personalization mean for small businesses with limited resources to invest in AI-powered hyper-personalization technologies? MBA Research helps us explore this year's Business Operations Research competitive events topic.

Rules to Live By: The Nature of Ethics
When you think of ethics, what comes to mind? Doing what people say you should do? Obeying the law? While these can both be part of ethical behavior, it takes a lot more than just listening to authority figures or doing what’s legal to be an ethical person.