Case Study of the Week: Digital Deals to Gain New Customers

Aug 7, 2023

Business Services Marketing

You are the director of client relations for Digideals, an ecommerce marketplace that connects users with local merchants, selling products and/or services at special discount prices. Digideals has primarily partnered with sports and entertainment type companies like amusement parks, sports teams, tourist activities and travel vouchers. Digideals customers enter the appropriate city and finds great discounted deals at the local establishments.  

Since 2015, Digideals has offered discounted deals in over 500 cities. Examples of discounts include a $150 massage at a local spa being sold for $60.00, a $500 NFL ticket sold for $250 or a $25 pass to the zoo being sold at a special buy-one-get-one price.

Digideals employees work to gain partnerships with businesses in the 500 cities and the surrounding areas that the company serves. Digideals markets the business with links to company websites and social media along with offering customers the discounted special. Digideals earns 10% from each customer purchase.

While the Digideals business is still successful, the offerings have grown stale. Customers seem to know exactly what type of business will have special deals on Digideals and are not excited by the offerings. The traditional sports and entertainment or spa type packages available on Digideals also tend to be purchases that would be made on special occasions rather than typical everyday purchases.

The president of Digideals wants you to determine types of businesses that Digi Deal should target that would surprise customers and lead to an increase in purchases rather than simply for special occasions. The president wants you to choose one or two business types and then create a marketing plan that will be presented to the businesses to persuade them to partner with Digideals. The marketing plan should include:

  • Benefits of partnering with Digideals
  • Reasons why the partnership would lead to higher sales
  • Specific marketing strategies


Randi Bibiano
Competitive Events Specialist

Randi Bibiano is DECA's competitive events specialist. In this role, she conceptualizes and authors role-play scenarios for the collegiate and high school division’s competitive events programs. She also manages DECA's online competitive events and serves as a liaison to volunteer efforts at DECA's educational conferences.

Discussion Questions

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Classroom Connection

Career CLuster:


Instructional Area(s):

Market Planning

Performance Indicators:

Develop a marketing plan
Identify market segments
Explain the concept of marketing strategies
Communicate core values of product/service