Case Study of the Week: Mitigating Fraud

Jan 16, 2023

Financial Services

You are to assume the role of fraud manager for Edson National Bank (ENB). The director of the fraud department wants you to develop a training plan for new employees regarding credit card fraud.

ENB is one of the largest banks in the country with branches in all 50 states and ATMs in every major city. ENB has been operating since 1981 and is a publicly traded company. ENB has experienced rapid growth the last few years and has been dealing with multiple losses due to credit card fraud. ENB issues two major credit cards: the ENB Visa Deluxe and the ENB Master Card Prime. When an application for a credit card is accepted by ENB, a credit check is performed before issuing credit. ENB direct markets credit card offers to potential customers with good credit and to college students.

ENB has hired additional fraud examiners to help with credit card fraud investigation and mitigation. Your team has been tasked with training the new fraud examiners. The director of the fraud department wants you to develop a training plan that will be used for new employees.

The plan must include:

  • Types of credit card fraud
  • How to best detect fraud
  • Ways to mitigate fraud


Randi Bibiano
Competitive Events Specialist

Randi Bibiano is DECA's competitive events specialist. In this role, she conceptualizes and authors role-play scenarios for the collegiate and high school division’s competitive events programs. She also manages DECA's online competitive events and serves as a liaison to volunteer efforts at DECA's educational conferences.

Discussion Questions

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Classroom Connection

Career CLuster:


Instructional Area(s):

Financial Analysis

Performance Indicators:

Explain the need for financial information
Protect against identity theft
Identify ways that technology impacts business
Maintain data security