Thank you to all the chapters and members who participated in the Spring 2022 Piper Sandler Taking Stock With Teens® survey!
Check Out These Key Findings
- 39% of teens hold a part-time job, up from 38% in Fall 2021 and 33% in Spring 2021.
- Food returns as upper-income teens’ number one wallet priority at a 22% share.
- 60% of females read ingredients in beauty products and 88% would pay more for “clean” and 58% would pay more for “science-backed” products.
- For payment apps, Apple Pay ranked first, partly due to 87% of teens in the survey saying they have an iPhone.
- Cash is the most penetrated payment method, with 89% of teens saying they used cash in the past month vs. 83% in the previous year.
- While 26% of teens own a VR device, just 5% use it daily; 48% of teens are either unsure or not interested in the Metaverse.
- 53% of teens cite Amazon as their number one favorite e-commerce site.
- Athletic brands mindshare accounted for 44% of teens’ favorite apparel brand – the most ever in the survey.
- e.l.f. rose to the number one preferred makeup brand for all teens for the first time, displacing Maybelline.
- Teens interest in plant-based meat is slipping; 43% consume or are willing to try it, down from 49% in Spring 2021.
- TikTok is the favorite social media platform (33% share) surpassing Snapchat for the first time (31%); Instagram remained third (22%).
- Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was the most important political or social issue.
The Piper Sandler Taking Stock With Teens® survey is a semi-annual research project that gathers input from 7,100 teens with an average age of 16.2 years. Discretionary spending patterns, fashion trends, technology, and brand and media preferences are assessed through surveying a geographically diverse subset of high schools across the U.S. Since the project began in 2001, Piper Sandler has surveyed more than 218,900 teens and collected over 54.8 million data points on teen spending.