Summer Fundraising with Your DECA Chapter

Jul 1, 2024

With school being closed, it may feel like DECA season has come to an end. But the summer is still a great time to continue activities and prepare for the year ahead. Summer offers new ways to interact and opportunities you may not have during school.

Reasons to Fundraise:

1. Keep the Chapter Active

When summer comes around, it’s easy for members to forget about school. This leads to the DECA chapter community going silent. Organizing a fundraiser can bring members together and get them to interact for a common goal. With more free time, they can better collaborate to help their club in the future.

2. Chapter Balance

Fundraising in the summer provides the chapter with a source of income when it is sometimes limited. Funds can help pay recruitment costs and additional activities before collecting member dues.

3. Community Investment

Doing activities with the greater community speaks to DECA’s values and can uphold your chapter’s image. A fundraiser provides a space for everyone to interact and can strengthen the bond with local students and parents, creating a great atmosphere for all.

Ways to Fundraise:

1. Involving Younger Kids

Tapping into your high school community and younger students from other schools provides a bigger market. At an outdoor activity, you can have a big water balloon fight, then smaller stations with face painting, bracelet making or a bouncy castle. These daytime activities also provide a small escape for parents caring for little ones.

2. Sporting Activities

Sports are an easy way to get any community member involved with your event. Holding a kickball tournament or a 5K run can appeal to a wide crowd. You can also create a space to kick a soccer ball around or play catch.

3. Relaxing Activities

While summer is a great time to stay active, sometimes you just want to take a break. Having a movie or trivia night is a simple activity to chill out. And for any of these events, you can have concessions to let people refuel and fundraise a little more.


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