Taking Advantage of Summer Experiences

Jun 1, 2024

Taking on a new experience may be your first time working outside of school. While it can be challenging, it’s nothing a DECA member can’t do. By utilizing summer, you are set apart with your effort to grow. Here are a few strategies to put you in the right direction for the journey ahead.

Be Proactive

You must always put your best foot forward to stand out in a work environment. Be prepared for the task at hand and complete work on time. You should never do just what you’re told; take steps to get ahead and complete other work. By constantly moving and looking for something new, you show dedication to bosses and co-workers. If you are helpful and reliable, your reputation will let you advance in a competitive world.

Smile and Network

Working in a new environment will allow you to meet and connect with many new people. It’s important to understand etiquette, remain professional and be friendly to everyone around you. Treat it like a conference; go up to people and talk to them. You can make some of the strongest relationships that will lead you into the future. Who knows, your co-worker may be a CEO one day!

Organize and Take Breaks

Taking on a new role comes with increased responsibility. Balancing work with all aspects of life can be challenging, so you must stay organized. Creating a calendar to manage due dates and activities can help with this. But you should never forget about yourself. Prioritize getting rest, eating properly and staying active as you manage your busy schedule. You can use an AI chatbot to create a personalized daily schedule. Remember, it’s okay to step away from work sometimes. Taking periodic breaks and hanging out with friends and family is a great way to ensure you stay productive and healthy.

Ask Questions

One of the best things you can get from your summer is knowledge and hands-on experience. Asking questions is the best way to draw out the most of your valuable time. Don’t be afraid if you’re with experienced professionals and older adults! There’s a reason you are working with them; they want to help and see you grow. If you have a question later, write it down to ask the next day or send an email so they can respond when they have time.


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