Hadley Brown served as DECA's Southern Region Vice President during the 2022-2023 school year.
Articles from
Hadley Brown

Where to Start During Tax Season
Earned wages, tracking hours and spending summers lifeguarding at the pool come with the inevitable: taxes. Interview with Steve Brown, CPA and Founder of Brown and Maguire CPAs, PLLC., reveals the key things to know as you file.

Super Bowl Commercials: Spiraling Towards the End Zone or Spiraling Out of Control
Costing an astounding $7 million for 30 seconds, Super Bowl commercials either fascinate or flop in front of over 113 million viewers. These commercials are the epitome of strategic marketing.

DECA SEM Spotlight: Meet Jasmine Forrestal
This past week, 800 DECA members gathered in Orlando, Florida, for the 2023 Sports and Entertainment Marketing Conference. In this article, learn more about Jasmine, a standout attendee at this year's conference.

Social Media at DECA Conferences: Do’s and Don’t’s
This conference season, don't forget to collaborate, create and connect with the DECA community. As you prepare, check out these five tips to remember as you pull out all the stops for social media shots this Spring.

Celebrating CTE® Month from Home
This February, celebrate your CTE experiences and invite others to join the fun with these four tips on bringing awareness to all the excellent CTE opportunities awaiting.

Preparing for Your Future Career Starts Today
During the Ultimate DECA Power Trip, the Executive Officer Team attended the first ever DECA Workforce Development Summit. Members of DECA’s National Advisory Board gathered to discuss the future of employment and industry across the business world.

From a Handshake to a Helping Hand: Connecting with Community Professionals
Stepping into a conversation with a professional can be intimidating, but with five key steps, you can create a connection that goes from an introductory handshake to a long-term career helping hand.

From Your Chapter to Your Community: All Those in Favor Say, “Let’s Vote!”
This November, general elections will take place. After registering to vote, research local poll locations, schedules and each candidate running. Be prepared to stand in line for your turn to vote on Election Day (Tuesday, November 8, 2022) or seek the availability of early voting.

Your Leadership Position Is Ending... Now What?
Within DECA (and life!), rewarding experiences often require raising your hand to enter the race, stepping up to the plate, and taking a risk as a leader. Risks come from new challenges, elections, committees, teams and setting goals. Here are thoughts to keep in mind as you pass the torch and leave office.

Everything You Can Ask for Awaits at #DECAELS
Whether you are an experienced leader or brand new to your position and looking to discover your strengths, here are the top three reasons to attend DECA's 2022 Emerging Leader Summit in Salt Lake City.