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Real World 101: Critical Life Skills You Need to Know Now
How can you separate yourself from the two million other students who will graduate college with you? Every college graduate will have a degree, but not every graduate will be prepared for the world as it’s going to be. Learn how you can begin to differentiate yourself from the crowd now.
College Bound Citizens: Financial Aid Basics
This workshop will help you understand financial aid while preparing for the FAFSA and applying for scholarships, grants, and federal loans while financing the gap.
4 Steps to Better Budgeting
“Where did all my money go!?” If you find yourself asking that question at the end of every month or in the days before your next paycheck, it’s time to get your budget in shape. Don’t have a budget? No problem! It’s easy to get started.
How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions
Looking back on years past, did you keep your New Year's resolutions? Do you even remember what they were? Here are some ways to keep your New Year’s resolutions all the way through 2022.
So You're Thinking About Running for Association Office?
Ask any association officer and I’m sure they’ll tell you that running for a DECA Association Officer position is one of the best decisions they have ever made! If you’re thinking about running, ask yourself these three questions to help you decide.
Rules to Live By: The Nature of Ethics
When you think of ethics, what comes to mind? Doing what people say you should do? Obeying the law? While these can both be part of ethical behavior, it takes a lot more than just listening to authority figures or doing what’s legal to be an ethical person.
3 Ways to Handle Burnout
Have you ever experienced a case of burnout? If so, it can be a challenging experience. During the school year, we take on many responsibilities and may find it hard to balance work, academics and life with so much on our plate. It is important to find a way to take a break and rest–both physically and mentally–to avoid burnout.
3 Ways to Sharpen Your Leadership Decision-making Skills
Have you recently taken on a new leadership position? While many perks come with the role, more responsibility often means increased pressure to make the best possible decisions.
3 Leadership Activities to Jump-start Your New Team
An important part of team building is supporting your teammates and learning their individual leadership styles. Check out these three ideas to help your new team hit the ground running!
Women's History Month Discussion with Emerging Leaders
Three emerging leaders sit down with AT&T to discuss the importance of women's history month.
5 Business and Leadership Books That Should Be on Your List
Throughout my academic career, I have found that a good book is hard to beat. I can honestly say that certain books have even changed my life—everything from basic tasks such as how I make my bed, to greater things like the way I think and process information.
Watch Now: Executive Mentor Roundtable on De-stressing
Check out DECA’s Executive Mentor Roundtable on “De-stressing." Two executives share how stress—good and bad—plays a role in their everyday lives and offer tips and tricks to help you manage your stress in your personal and professional life.
4 Skills for Effective Teamwork
If you are athletic and grew up playing a lot of organized sports, or if you were involved in your school’s student council or theater productions, you already may be very familiar with group dynamics and working on a team; however, if you didn’t, working on a team may be somewhat new to you.